Theoretical and practical aspects of festival tourism in the context of military-historical events

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    G.A. Gomilevskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article analyzes the basics of the formation and development of festival tourism in the context of military-historical events. Often the venue for such festivals are fortifications. The purpose of the work is to determine the theoretical foundations and evaluate the practical results of the organization of the festival of military-historical tourism on the basis of fortifications. The methodological basis of the work is the resource assessment of the organization of festival events in the segment of military-historical tourism, the methods of updating, system analysis, classification, statistical analysis, modeling. The paper identified the role of the on-event military-historical tourism in the formation of intercultural cooperation, investigates the concept of definitions of "event tourism" and "festival of military-historical tourism", the classification of event tourism and the types of festival tourism, defined the conditions, the main trends and factors of its development. It is established that the resource basis of the festival military-historical tourism are mainly Museum-historical complexes, fortifications. On the basis of complex research the priority character of development of military-historical tourism in Russia is established; priority types of festival military-historical tourism with use of a chronological method are revealed, the main directions and features of regional development of military-historical festivals are defined. The practical significance of the work consists in the study of the festival movement in the segment of military-historical tourism in Primorsky Krai, as well as the proposal of a model of scaling of the event on the example of the festival "Vladivostok fortress". 

Keywords: military-historical tourism, patriotic education, fortifications, tourism market, the system of interaction of subjects, historical reconstruction, program and target planning.